Highlighted Cosmetics
The selection below correspond to the most recent cosmetics currently available. You can use one of the filters present on the page to see all cosmetics.

Available from Shupe in the Cursed Heiress Adda Bundle
monsters halloween haloween saovine

Available from Shupe during Saovine Event in the Blood-drunk Bundle
monsters halloween haloween saovine

Available from Shupe in the Cursed Heiress Adda Bundle
monsters halloween haloween saovine

Available from Shupe during Saovine Event in the Elder Katakan Bundle
monsters halloween haloween saovine

Available from Shupe during Winter Event
christmas shop shupe

Available from Shupe in the Wild Party Bundle
shop concerned skald

Available from Shupe in the All Things Nasty Bundle
shop monsters

Available from Shupe during Winter Event
event shupe winter christmas shop

Available from Shupe during Love Event in the Lovers' Bundle
shop aristocrat valentine

Available from Shupe in the Wild Party Bundle
shop skellige

Available from Shupe during Love Event in the Lovers' Bundle
shop valentine

Available from Shupe during Saovine Event in the Blood-drunk Bundle
gwentfinity haloween halloween bat vampire

Available from Shupe in the Wild Party Bundle
shop monster aristocrat ng nilfgaard

Available from Shupe during Winter Event
shop allgod christmas

Available from Shupe in the All Things Nasty Bundle

Available from Shupe in the Peasant Life Bundle
animal sick peasant chort carcass shop

Available from Shupe in the Bear Pit Bundle
syndicate shop

Available from Shupe in the Bear Pit Bundle
afraid shop

Available from Shupe in the Wild Party Bundle
shop syndicate

Available from Shupe in the Wild Party Bundle
shop elf scoiatael st scoia'tael

Available from Shupe in the Peasant Life Bundle
neutral cowman shop

Available from Shupe in the All Things Nasty Bundle
shop monsters

Available from Shupe in the Wild Party Bundle
shop northern realms nr

Available from Shupe during Lunar New Year Event
shop lunar lny

Available from Shupe in the Peasant Life Bundle
animal peasant shop

Available from Shupe in the Bear Pit Bundle
dwarf shop

Available from Shupe in the Heroes' Bundle
skellige queen an craite shop

Available from Shupe in the Heroes' Bundle
witcher shop

Available from Shupe in the Heart of Stone Bundle
shop beast toussaint

Available from Shupe during Saovine Event in the Blood-drunk Bundle
haloween halloween saovine thirsty dame

Available from Shupe in the All Things Nasty Bundle
shop monsters

Available from Shupe in the Bear Pit Bundle
nilfgaard shop

Available from Shupe in the Heroes' Bundle
witcher shop

Win 10 Draft matches
draft arena slave driver eye-patch

Available from the Dagon seasonal reward tree
dagon god

Available from the Svalblod Bear seasonal reward tree
dagon god

Unlocked by reaching level 120 in Regis's Extended Journey
emiel regis premium extended journey vampire

Unlocked by reaching level 120 in Aretuza's Extended Journey
journey aretuza premium

Unlocked by reaching level 120 in Dandelion's Extended Journey
jaskier julian alfred pankratz viscount of lettenhove heart-throbben premium

Unlocked by reaching level 110 in Aretuza's Extended Journey
journey aretuza celebration

Unlocked by reaching level 145 in Aretuza's Extended Journey
journey aretuza premium extended journey animated

Available from the Ulula's Seasonal Reward tree
sove skellige warrior brokvar

Available from the Boholt's Seasonal Reward tree
boholt soldier northern realms

Unlocked by reaching level 110 in Triss's Extended Journey
journey triss premium

Unlocked by reaching level 120 in Alzur's Extended Journey
journey ogroid cyclops troll

Complete the Eltibal's Seasonal Reward Tree
black sun curse eltibald etibald

Unlocked by completing the Renfri's Seasonal Reward Tree
renfri dr. corchit season summer black sun curse

Available from Renfri's Seasonal Reward Tree
black sun renfri curse

Reach level 110 in Geralt's Extended Journey
premium journey geralt of rivia

Available from the Vial of Forbidden Knowledge seasonal reward tree
golden nekker witcher origins ft forgotten treasures Francesca monster

Available from Shupe during Winter Event
winter event christmas

Available from Shupe during Winter Event
winter event christmas

Available from Shupe during Winter Event
winter shupe gui ribbon yule christmas

Available from Shupe during Saovine Event
saovine haloween halloween glass

Available from Shupe during Saovine Event
saovine haloween halloween mask

Available from Shupe during Summer Cycle
shupe summer painter painting shop eshop

Play a game with the following borders from Shupe Event equipped:
Spiky Border, Scrap Iron Border, Soldier Border
shupe troll warrior

Play 30 games where you play at least one card from the Uroboros set
heist borsodi

Available from the Svalblod Bear Reward Tree
bear skellige seasonal book

Unlocked by reaching level 145 in Aretuza's Extended Journey
premium journey aretuza animated

Available from the Boholt's Seasonal reward tree
boholt soldier northern realms

Available from the Eltibald Seasonal Reward Tree
black sun curse eltibal etibald

Available from the Year of the Cursed Toad reward tree
qupor forgotten treasures frog ft

Available from the Mysterious Puzzle Box seasonal reward tree
Francesca reward book forgotten treasures witcher origins ft

Unlocked by reaching level 64 during Dandelion's Extended Journey
journey dandelion jaskier

Unlocked by reaching level 30 during Dandelion's Standard Journey
journey dandelion jaskier

Unlocked by reaching level 14 during Dandelion's Extended Journey
journey dandelion jaskier premium animated

Unlocked by reaching level 58 during Dandelion's Extended Journey
journey dandelion jaskier

Unlocked by reaching level 20 during Dandelion's Extended Journey
journey dandelion jaskier premium

Unlocked by reaching level 90 during Dandelion's Extended Journey
journey dandelion jaskier

Unlocked by reaching level 82 during Dandelion's Extended Journey
journey dandelion jaskier

Unlocked by reaching level 2 during Dandelion's Extended Journey
journey dandelion jaskier premium

Unlocked by reaching level 99 during Dandelion's Extended Journey
journey dandelion jaskier premium animated

Unlocked by reaching level 28 during Dandelion's Extended Journey
journey dandelion jaskier premium animated

Available from the Advanced Tactics reward tree
ardal wooden pieces

Play 80 games with Regis' Ball Attires
journey emiel vampire

Unlocked by reaching level 45 in Regis Extended Journey
journey emiel vampire premium animated

Unlocked by reaching level 42 in Regis Standard Journey
journey emiel vampire

Unlocked by reaching level 75 in Regis Extended Journey
journey emiel vampire premium

Unlocked by reaching level 31 in Regis Extended Journey
journey emiel vampire premium

Unlocked by reaching level 100 in Regis Standard Journey
journey emiel vampire

Unlocked by reaching level 53 in Regis Extended Journey
journey emiel vampire premium

Unlocked by reaching level 92 in Regis Extended Journey
journey emiel vampire premium

Unlocked by reaching level 68 in Regis Extended Journey
journey emiel vampire premium animated

Unlocked by reaching level 2 in Regis Extended Journey
journey emiel vampire premium animated

Unlocked by reaching level 24 in Regis Extended Journey
journey emiel vampire premium animated

Play 20 games with Vampire Regis forms
journey emiel vampire

Unlocked by reaching level 9 in Regis Extended Journey
journey emiel vampire premium

Available from the Octavia Hale reward tree
reward book sy witch hunter price of power

Available from the Vilgefortz of Roggeveen reward tree
reward book ng nilfgaard mage price of power
Well-knitAvailable from Shupe during Winter Event
Well-knit christmas
PuppeteerPotential Cycle Reward?
Of GlassPotential Cycle Reward?
Of Glass
TransformedPotential Cycle Reward?
ConqueredPotential Cycle Reward?
ImpatientPotential Cycle Reward?
Student of MagicPotential Cycle Reward?
Student of Magic
Power-hungryPotential Cycle Reward?
Of StonePotential Cycle Reward?
Of Stone
StormbornPotential Cycle Reward?
BetrayedPotential Cycle Reward?
SeerPotential Cycle Reward?
CondemnedPotential Cycle Reward?
True HeroAvailable from Shupe in the Heroes' Bundle
True Hero Mlakuss
CorruptedPotential Cycle Reward?
RitualistPotential Cycle Reward?
VigilantePotential Cycle Reward?
FrozenPotential Cycle Reward?
SpellcasterPotential Cycle Reward?
DeceivedPotential Cycle Reward?

Play 1 game with each Winter Event Cardback
Winter Cardback, Blizzard Rarog Cardback, Lonely God Cardback, Greedy God Cardback, Knitting Shupe Cardback
gwentfinity shupe festive deer christmas yule

Available from Shupe in the Heroes' Bundle
gwentfinity monsters wraith geralt hero

Play 30 games with Evolving Eternal Tree Cardback
contract eternal tree evolve animated

Play 30 games with Evolving Sinister Tree Cardback
contract sinister tree animated

Complete the Dagon seasonal reward tree to unlock this cardback
dagon voydanoi monsters
Leader Skins

Dimun Marauder Skin
Available from Shupe

Count Caldwell Skin
Available from Shupe

Elder Skin
Available from Shupe during Saovine Event

Alba Commander Skin
Available from Shupe

Ancient Skin
Available from Shupe during Winter Event

Sharley the Shaelmaar Skin
Available from Shupe

Alpha Skin
Available from Shupe during Saovine Event

Brown Bear Skin
Available from Shupe in the Bear Pit Bundle

Phantom Skin

Cursed Heiress Skin

Unlocked by reaching level 130 in Regis's Extended Journey
Regis Emiel Vampire Premium

Unlocked by reaching level 160 in Regis's Extended Journey
Regis Emiel Vampire Premium

Unlocked by reaching level 130 in Dandelion's Extended Journey
Dandelion Jaskier Julian Alfred Pankratz Viscount of lettenhove

Unlocked by reaching level 130 in Regis's Extended Journey
Regis Emiel Vampire Premium

Unlocked by reaching level 160 in Dandelion's Extended Journey
Dandelion Jaskier Julian Alfred Pankratz Viscount of lettenhove

Unlocked by reaching level 130 in Regis's Extended Journey
Regis Emiel Vampire Premium

Unlocked by reaching level 145 in Dandelion's Extended Journey
Dandelion Jaskier Julian Alfred Pankratz Viscount of lettenhove

Unlocked by reaching level 130 in Alzur's Extended Journey

Unlocked by reaching level 160 in Triss's Extended Journey
triss premium foltest

Win 30 games with Bottles or Pouch equipped
journey alzur
Game Boards

Available from Shupe
night moonlight fullmoon

Complete all contracts tied to Aretuza's Journey
journey aretuza party fiesta

Unlocked by reaching level 30 in Aretuza's Extended Journey
journey academy of aretuza premium

Unlocked by reaching level 100 in Aretuza's Extended Journey
journey academy of aretuza premium

Unlocked by reaching level 72 in Aretuza's Extended Journey
journey academy of aretuza premium

Unlocked by reaching level 90 in Aretuza's Extended Journey
journey academy of aretuza premium

Unlocked by reaching level 54 in Aretuza's Extended Journey
journey academy of aretuza premium

Unlocked by reaching level 15 in Aretuza's Extended Journey
journey academy of aretuza premium

Unlocked by reaching level 42 in Aretuza's Extended Journey
journey academy of aretuza premium

Unlocked by reaching level 1 in Aretuza's Extended Journey
journey academy of aretuza premium

Available from Shupe during Saovine

Play one game with the following Shupe Event Vanities equipped:
Arachas Avatar, Cat Avatar, She-troll Avatar, Ice-troll Avatar, Shupe Seeker Avatar, Shiny Rock Seeker Avatar, Meteorite Powder Avatar
troll shupe event adventure

Obtained by completing the Svalblod Bear seasonal reward tree
bear svalblod skellige

Obtained by completing the Boholt seasonal reward tree
dragon northern realms soldiers

Obtained by completing the Eltibald seasonal reward tree
season book renfri curse black sun etibald

Obtained by completing the Mysterious Puzzle Box seasonal reward tree
forgotten treasures reward book thing ft

Found in the final chest of the Year of the Cursed Toad reward tree
forgotten treasures toad frog reward book ft qupor

Unlocked by reaching level 57 in Triss's Extended Journey
journey triss merigold premium

Unlocked by reaching level 69 in Triss's Extended Journey
journey triss merigold premium

Unlocked by reaching level 99 in Triss's Extended Journey
journey spell fire triss merigold premium